1913 Lockout leader honoured in Inchicore

Partridge Invo with RefreshmentsjpgWilliam Partridge, one of the leaders of the 1913 Lockout, was honoured in Inchicore on Friday, July 12th by residents and public representatives in one of many events organised this year by local historian Michael O’Flanagan.

Partridge was a key link between the traditional craft unions, the newly organised Irish Transport and General Workers Union, the advanced nationalist and revolutionary socialist movements in the city. He also represented Kilmainham as a Labour councillor on Dublin City Council, fought in the 1916 Rising and died at a tragically early age from Bright’s disease, contracted in prison in 1917.

Below is a link to the unveiling of the plaque in his honour at his former residence, 8 Brookfield Road, Kilmainham on Friday, July 12th

