Obituary of Lockout Leader

PT Daly ObitOwen Boss of ANU Productions has sent us this obituary of his Great Grand Father P T Daly from the Irish Press. Daly died on November 20th, 1943 so presumably the cutting is from Monday, November 22nd, 1943. Big Jim Larkin is the figure on the right at the bottom right of the picture.


P T Daly was one of the leaders of the 1913 Lockout. The Obit states, incorrectly that P T Daly was a Sinn  Fein Councillor in Dublin from 1903 until 1924 when the Corporation was dissolved. In fact he was a Labour Councillor from the time he became an organiser for the Irish Transport and General Workers Union. When the Labour group split, he led the Trades Council wing of Labour on the City Council. His rival William O’Brien led the Republican Labour group on the Council. While Daly supported many of the initiatives proposed by Sinn Fein on the City Council, including the vote to recognise Dail Eireann as the legitimate government of Ireland in May 1920, Trades Council Labour pursued a more independent line from Sinn Fein than the O’Brienites.