Progressive Film Club launches 1913-2013 season with Vita Cortex occupation film

To mark the centenary of the 1913 Lockout, the Progressive Film Club plan is running a series of films on the themes of labour struggles and workers’ rights throughout the coming year.

It kicks-off on Saturday, January 26th with two films about factory occupations – one in Argentina and the other in Cork.

2.30pm: The Argentinian film ‘The Women of Brukman’ tells of the take-over of a clothing factory by the workers, of a clothing factory after it had been abandoned by the owners.

4.00pm: The main feature ‘161 Days’ recounts the story of another group of textile workers at the Vita Cortex plant in Cork, who occupied their plant after agreed redundancy payments had not been met. The occupation was one of the longest industrial disputes in Ireland. This will be the first public screening of the film in Dublin.

NB. This screening is not taking place at the usual venue in the New Theatre but at the Pearse Centre, 27 Pearse St., Dublin 2.

Further details and the Club’s programmes for the next three months are now available on its website