Celebrating a Lost Labour Leader of 1916

Richard O'Carroll Poster 001

Kilbarrack Kids Learn About Past to Fight for Future April 7th


An Incredible Piece of Community Art


When Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme (KCCP) was set up in 1997 the challenge facing the community was a wave of heroin use among young people. In 2016 this has changed but the problem of drug mis-use has not gone away. KCCP continues to help people addicted to heroin use and in line with Government policy we also help people experiencing problems with alcohol. In early 2015 with support from the Department of Social Protection and Health Services Executive KCCP set up a project, which targets young people in the eighteen to twenty-five age groups who are having problems with cannabis, alcohol and tablets. This project provides courses in fitness and healthy living in addition to pre-employment training.


The young people on this project wanted to learn more about the 1916 Rising so that they could commemorate it in their own way. They decided to take six history classes on the Rebellion kindly provided by KLEAR the local adult education centre and they took part in the historical tour of Glasnevin Cemetry. Recently they started art classes. Inspired by this they set about painting a community mural. The end result is truly amazing. For people with no previous art training they captured the spirit of 1916 with a very 2016 feel.


Please feel free to come along to the official opening with music being performed by Damien Dempsey and see for yourself a community inspired by the ideals of 1916. It all takes place next Thursday the 7thApril at 2pm. For further information please ring Marian Clarke at 01-8324516

If you happen to be passing – Connolly Association remembers James Connolly and 1916




Women of 1916 – Near fm Radio Series

1916 Library Talks - Broadcast Dates(2)



Women, trade unions and Dublin Protestants in 1916

Uniterian Talks 002

Crime in the City – Dublin 1916

Winter Lecture Series 2016

1916: Rebellion, War and Commemoration in Ireland and beyond

3rd March 2016 ‘Life and crime in the city before the Rising’ Pádraig Yeates, SIPTU

Using recently discovered records from the Dublin Metropolitan Police that cover the period before the Rising, Yeates will look at how the police coped with crime and disorder in the city before the outbreak of the Easter Rising. This should be a fascinating talk outlining brand new research on the lives of ordinary men and women, and the police authorities, in the decade before the Rising..
Bio: Pádraig Yeates is a journalist and trade union activist.He is a distinguished social and labour historian and the author of Lockout, the standard work on the great 1913 labour dispute.He is also author of the acclaimed A City in Wartime and A City in Turmoil; the third book in the series, A City in Civil War, was published in 2015.
All lectures start at 7pm and will be held in the Museum’s Milestone Gallery, Glasnevin Cemetery. Dublin 11
Tickets for each lecture are €10. To book the series of 6 for €50, please contact the Museum booking department (0)1 882 6577 or email: booking@glasnevintrust.ie


The Dead of Easter Monday 1916

Kilmainham Talk

Political and Social Life in Dublin in 1916 – Unitarian Church Stephens Green

Uniterian Talks 001

Win the Women to Your Cause and Your Cause is Secure

women  of the rising final

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